sexta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2008

Festa Brasil

A great Brazilian party at Loaded Hog Ballroom on 27th September featuring also Roda de Samba, Ziriguidum ,Wellington Batucada and Carlos Ferreira

terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2008

Spring Carnival!!!!

Brazealand Band after show!!!Everybody happy!!!



Mc Cabeca singing Marcelo D2

segunda-feira, 6 de outubro de 2008

terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2008

20th of September

Bumba-meu-boi, Maculele and Marchinhas de carnaval
were the new rhythms shown at the last Brazealand Show.
Once again packing The Southern Cross
and warming up Brazilians and Kiwis for the spring season
Our super special guests:
Gabriel Rovo singing a samba rap

Armando Baudin singing Mama Africa

David Thomas on flutes

"Carmem Miranda" cover reviving the Brazilian

carnival from the early 1930's

And our newest and youngest fan club,

dancing at the front line

domingo, 3 de agosto de 2008

Brazealand band packed the Southern Cross Bar on 2nd of August 2008!!!Again!!!

Brazealand band played with special guests:Nikkie Rich(vocals),Darryn Sigley(percussion),Tim Cooke(cavaquinho), and David Thomas(flute),it was a beautiful show with good vibes and lots of boogie,everybody danced Samba-de-Roda,Ciranda,Coco,Frevo,Baiao,Xote,"Sambinhas Drum n' Bass"!!!

sexta-feira, 27 de junho de 2008

Festa Junina

On the 28th of june we celebrated a great regional festivity called 'Festa Junina', playing forro and quadrilha songs. There was a crowd in a fun afternoon of music, dance and socialising at The Southern Cross bar.
Viva os noivos!!!

With our special guests Tim Cooke, Alda Rezende and Cecilia Spyer.